A hand reaching out of the water to catch something.

Free Will

Do we have free will?


  1. Barbara Boockmeier on 05/15/2024 at 10:21 am

    Bob, this is a question that I have pondered a lot. I, like you, believe there are innumerable factors that are acting on us and our environment all the time, affecting our choices and decisions. But I believe we have a degree of “will” that can motive us to confront that which we do not feel comfortable with. Not all people make use of that small degree of “will”. And nothing is ever “free”.

    I would like to know others opinions on this as well.

    #freewill #nofreewill #open-mindeddiscussions #makingchoices

    • Bob Almada Books on 05/15/2024 at 1:11 pm

      Hi Barbara – thanks for your thoughtful opinion. My question is where does that small degree of “will” come from?

  2. Glo on 05/18/2024 at 6:22 am

    Man is the only animal that eats when he is not hungry, drinks when he is not thirsty and makes love at all seasons.
    Someone more clever than I said that but – it speaks to free will, does it not?

    • Bob Almada Books on 05/18/2024 at 12:05 pm

      Thanks Glo- many believe that because we make choices we have free will. What we ignore is that our will is formed by causes independent of ourselves, those being our surroundings and our makeup. Eating, Drinking and Intimacy are habitual activities that are formed in each of us without our knowledge or consent.

      • Susan Violante on 05/22/2024 at 11:34 am

        I believe that when we speak about free will, what we say will depend on what “free will” means to us. I think that there is freedom on our ability of choice but even that freedom will be limited by what it is at our reach. I grew up with very little availability of opportunities; in a very restrictive household…was I free to do what I wanted? to pursue my dreams? To even express myself on how I dressed? No. Not while I was growing up….Were my choices reflective on who I became due to my experiences? Most likely. Does that mean I don’t have free will? No…because to me even free will exists within the boundaries of possibility.

        • Robert Almada on 05/22/2024 at 2:32 pm

          Hi Susan – thanks for your input. Your comment about free will existing within the boundaries of possibility is interesting. I’m not sure I understand? To rephrase, you feel we all have free will within the boundaries of possibility? I can’t deny or affirm that statement? It may be true? With that in mind, my rub on free will is how it has been, and still is, used to control large groups of people. I have an eternity of suffering to look forward to because of my free will. Ouch!!

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