Books Collection

A book cover with trees and water on it

My Straight Line, What a Ride

My Straight Line, What a Ride!

My Straight Line, What a Ride

is an autobiography about the Inter Generational Trauma that was passed on to me and the members of my family without our knowledge or consent. If that was possible, can we reasonably question the existence of free will and consider the possibility that life is a straight line directed by the laws of Nature? In the first three chapter I show how Inter Generational Trauma influenced my families interactions with each other and with the outside world regarding societal issues like addiction, child abuse, education, homosexuality, religion, violence and other forms of adversity. The remainder of the book explores my experiences and adventures with imagination, trouble, luck, vacations and psychedelics.

My Straight Line, What a Ride

is an informative, entertaining and inspirational memoir that will challenge readers to consider looking to Nature for the answers to our problems and to improve the quality of life on this planet for everyone.

A book about truth and knowledge

A Book About Truth and Knowledge
by Robert Almada
Publisher – Self/Lulu

System of Nature in the 21st Century

The System of Nature in the 21st Century

is about the history of beliefs that evolved as a result of not understanding or choosing to ignore the System of Nature and her immutable laws. This lack of understanding resulted in ERRORS that have shaped individual and societal beliefs about happiness and morals all over the planet. In this book you will see: HOW erroneous beliefs formed, evolved and were, and still are, passed on from generation to generation and society to society; WHY as a species we have not moved beyond the errors that haunt us; and WHAT we can do to Understand the problems, Identify the drawbacks and Implement solutions on personal and societal levels. If you are searching for answers related to the roles of politics, religions, and education in the society you live in and societies all over the world, this book is a must read.

Book Reviews

A book cover with various political slogans and images.

Necessary Change via The System of Nature
by Robert Almada
Publisher - Self/Lulu

Time For Change


Time for Change, Necessary Change via The System of Nature

was written as the pandemic was sweeping across the country and around the world. In the USA it became painfully clear that our policies relate to Health Care for All, Free Education, Poverty, College Debt and Income Inequality, to mention a few, were not meeting the needs of a majority of the population. The execution of George Floyd by police officers forced us to look at policing policies in our country. The moment was ripe for systematic change in the US and around the world.

Nature distributes good and evil without malice or forethought. When confronted with problems, be it a pandemic or Societies and Governments that no longer serve the people, the solutions can always be found within Nature.

A black and white photo of a woman with a smile.

The Writing and Art of Emilia Almada
by Emilia Almada
Publisher – Self/Lulu

Here I Am

Here I Am, The Writing and Art of Emilia Almada

consists of two parts: A series of short stories in part one and artistic creations in part two.

The written part of the book contains fiction and actual accounts from Emilia’s life.  She also dabbles in poetry and commemorative works.  Her stories describe experiences, feelings and thoughts from early childhood to her memories as a widow.

The art work was done by Emilia at different stages of her life.  In part two you will find photographs of paintings, ceramic pieces, needle work, drawings and lamps.  Her art tells the story of her life.  Each piece was inspired by family, friends, activities and emotions that she was experiencing at the time.

As you digest this book, you will be delving into the creative mind and imagination of Emilia Rojas Almada.

TV Interview

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An old photo of a man and woman

The Long Road Home
by Emilia Almada
Publisher – Self/Lulu

The Saga of Millie and Ig

The Saga of Millie & Ig, The Long Road Home

is the story of Emilia Rojas and Ignacio Almada. Their stories begin in Mexico, the origins of both families.  You will follow the different paths both lives take and the events that lead up to the two of them meeting, courting, marriage and raising a family together!