Author Bio

Name: Robert Almada
Education: Master of Science in Education
Profession: High School & College Math Instructor (Retired); Part-time Tennis Instructor (Current); Coach: Coached High School and Collegiate Sports (Retired); Executive Business Coach (Retired)

Author (Current)  Bob was recognized as a Finalist in the 2024 Next Generation Short Story Awards contest in the Sports category for his essay, The Power of Imagination.  This story is also Chapter 4 in his most recent book, My Straight Line, What A Ride.

A man sitting on top of a green couch.
A gold and blue award seal with the words " finalist " written on it.

Publishing Credits

My Straight Line – What A Ride

System of Nature in the 21st Century – A Book About Truth and Knowledge

Time For Change – Necessary Change via The System of Nature


Editor for - Here I Am – The Writing and Art of Emilia Almada by Emilia Almada
The Saga of Millie and Ig – The Long Road Home by Emilia Almada